The Redshift Search Receiver is designed to conduct sensitive broad-band (73 – 111GHz) spectroscopic observations of galaxies in the 3mm atmospheric window with a fixed low spectral resolution (31 MHz). A particular advantage of the Redshift Search Receiver is it´s ability to detect molecular gas in galaxies over a wide redshift-range without any prior need to first identify the optical, infrared or radio counterpart, and then to measure an optical spectroscopic redshift before tuning a millimeter-wavelength receiver to the redshifted frequency of a known molecular-line transition.
The Redshift Search Receiver sensitivity in 10 minutes of integration can be expressed as:
where is system temperature in K,
is the velocity resolution obtained in km/s, and
is integration time in minutes.
Expressed in mJy the same equation can be written as:
Sensitivity (σ) in mJy.
Sensitivity (σ) in mK.
Integration time for flux units.
Integration time for temperature units