The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration will present its first results in multiple simultaneous press conferences around the world. The event will be streamed live online.

April 10th: Announcement of the first Event Horizon Telescope results

The LMT participates in the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), an international collaboration aiming to capture the first image of a black hole by creating a virtual Earth-sized telescope. On April 10th 2019, the EHT Collaboration will present its first results in multiple simultaneous press conferences around the world. The event will be streamed live online.

A press conference will also be held at Conacyt, in Mexico City, and will be streamed live online at 7:30 am ( and )

For more details regarding the NSF press conference or other particular press events visit the NSF web page or EHT web page respectively.

Image credit: University of Arizona. A simulated image of the turbulent plasma in the extreme environment around a supermassive black hole.