Large Millimeter Telescope

The Large Millimeter Telescope (or Gran Telescopio Milimétrico Alfonso Serrano) is the world´s largest single-dish steerable millimetre-wavelength telescope designed specifically for astronomical observations in the wavelength range of 0.85 – 4mm. This binational project between México and the United States of America represents the largest and most complex scientific instrument constructed in México. Situated on the summit of Volcán Sierra Negra at an altitude of 4600 meters, the LMT has begun its exploration of the physical processes that lead to the formation and evolution of planetary systems, stars, black-holes and galaxies thoughout the 13.7 billion year history of the Universe.

EHT Makes Highest-Resolution Black Hole Detections from Earth

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration, in collaboration with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), has conducted 345 GHz test observations achieving the highest-resolution ever obtained from the surface of the Earth.

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July 10, 2024 – Access to the LMT site road reopened

The LMT is happy to report that the recent successful negotiations between INAOE and the Texamalaquilla community have resulted in the reopening of our access to the LMT site road and the LMT on the summit of Sierra Negra. Consequently we are now in the process of cooling down the suite of scientific instrumentation and […]

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